You Searched For : "Port of Vancouver Board of Commissioners"

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Port of Vancouver Board of Commissioners (09/25/12)
Centennial Moment - "100 Years of Mobile Harbor Cranes", Open Forum, Approval of Public Works Contract for Bid #12-22: 2012 Maintenance/Dredging Berth Deepening, Unfinished Business, Executive Director Report/Monthly Financial Update, Commissioners Reports, Upcoming Events
Port of Vancouver Board of Commissioners (09/11/12)
Open Forum, Approval of Public Works Contract for Bid #12-20: West Vancouver Freight Access Project #7 Utilities - Bulk Railcar Unloading Facility, Approval of Public Works Contract for Bid #12-23: Terminal 2, Berth 2 Deck Repair, Approval of the Property Exchange Agreement Between Port of Vancou...
Port of Vancouver Board of Commissioners (08/28/12)
Centennial Moment: Moving Cargo, Open Forum, Approve Memorandum of Understanding Between Port of Vancouver and Columbia Waterfront LLT, Immediate Possession and Use of Real Property Necessary for Operations & Maintenance of the Columbia River Federal Navigation Channel, Unfinished Business, Execu...
Port of Vancouver Board of Commissioners (08/14/12)
CREDC Update, Open Forum, First Amendment to Lease Between Port of Vancouver USA and Fort Vancouver Seamen's Center, Inc., Port Contracts Log, Accounts Payable, Executive Director Report, Commissioners Reports, Upcoming Events
Port of Vancouver Board of Commissioners (07/24/12)
Centennial Moment: The Rufener Legacy - From Dairy Farm to Industrial Park, Open Forum, 2012 Executive Director Compensation, Approval of Public Works Contract for Bid #12-13 - West Vancouver Freight Access Project #21 - Terminal 5 Expansion/SPL, Unfinished Business, Executive Director Report, Co...
Port of Vancouver Board of Commissioners (07/10/12)
Approval of Construction Contract for Bid #12-12: WVFA Project #16 - Port Rail Access Improvements, Design Package 1, Contract with Apollo, Inc. for Construction of the West Vancouver Freight Access (WVFA) Project 19 - Gateway Avenue Grade Separation, Unfinished Business, Port Contracts Log, Acco...
Port of Vancouver Board of Commissioners (06/26/12)
Centennial Moment: "The Thirsty Port: Great Western Malting, Then and Now", Open Forum, Approval of Parametrix Contract Change Order - Groundwater Cleanup, Unfinished Business, Executive Director Report, Commissioners Reports, Upcoming Events
Port of Vancouver Board of Commissioners (06/12/12)
Open Forum, Approval of an Interlocal Agreement with the Port of Portland to Conduct a Regional Commodity Flow Forecast (CFF), Port Contracts Log, Accounts Payable, Executive Director Report, Project Updates, Commissioners Reports, Upcoming Events
Port of Vancouver Board of Commissioners (05/22/12)
Centennial Moment: Terminal 1, Open Forum, Resolution 4-2012: Acquisition of Property for Mitigation for the Columbia River Channel Improvement Project, Approval of Agreement for Purchase and Sale of Real Estate between Port of Vancouver USA and Lafarge North America, Inc., Unfinished Business, E...
Port of Vancouver Board of Commissioners (05/08/12)
Open Forum, Approval of Terminal 5 Potash Facility Environmental Compliance Management Contract with HDR Inc., Engineering Design and Construction Management Contract with HDR Engineering Inc., for Completion of WVFA Project #7 - Bulk Facility Dump Pit, Port Contracts Log, Accounts Payable, Execu...
Port of Vancouver Board of Commissioners (04/24/12)
Centennial Moment: Centennial Book, Open Forum, Approval of Lease of Land for Construction/Rehabilitation of Track ("Lease") between the Port of Vancouver USA and BNSF Railway Company, Approval of the First Amendment to Lease and Termination Agreement between the Port of Vancouver and Burgener's...
Port of Vancouver Board of Commissioners (04/10/12)
Open Forum, Port Contracts Log, Corps of Engineers Section 214 Agreement, Accounts Payable, Executive Director Report, Project Updates, Commissioners Reports, Upcoming Events
Port of Vancouver Board of Commissioners (03/13/12)
Open Forum, Celebrate Freedom Presentation, Adoption of the Second Amendment to Lease between the Port of Vancouver USA and Rest-A-Phone Corporation for Building 2801-A, Adoption of a Lease between the Port of Vancouver and Brewcraft USA for 3201-1 NW Lower River Road, Approval of Public Works Co...
Port of Vancouver Board of Commissioners (03/05/12)
Opening Remarks, Approval of Settlement Agreement and Release Between the Port of Vancouver and London Market Insurers, Approval of Settlement Agreement and Release Agreement Between the Port of Vancouver and Travelers Indemnity Company
Port of Vancouver Board of Commissioners (02/28/12)
Centennial Moment: Standifer, the First Possibility, Open Forum, Adoption of Resolution 1-2012 to Adopt the 2012-2021 Port of Vancouver, USA Strategic Plan, Adoption of Resolution 2-2012 to Surplus and Sell Personal Property - P&H Crane, Approval of Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Continuati...
Port of Vancouver Board of Commissioners (02/14/12)
Open Forum, Adoption of Resolution #1-2012, Administrative Authority of Executive Director, Authorization to Approve a Contract with BergerABAM and Olson Engineering Inc. for On-Call Civil Engineering Services, Approve First Amendment to Ground Lease between Port of Vancouver and Pacific Coast Sh...
Port of Vancouver Board of Commissioners (02/08/12)
Open Forum, Lease, Site Improvement Agreement and Entry Agreement between the Port of Vancouver and BHP Billiton Canada, Inc.
Port of Vancouver Board of Commissioners (01/24/12)
Centennial Moment: 1912, Port of Vancouver USA Established, Open Forum, Authorization for Executive Director to Sign the Amendment and Extension to Short Term Lease Agreement for 2501-B Kotobuki Way, Vancouver, Authorization for Executive Director to Sign the Amendment and Extension to Short Term...
Port of Vancouver Board of Commissioners (01/10/12)
Open Forum, Election of Officers, Appointment of Staff, Executive Director Compensation, Organizational Assignments, Approval of Amendment to Intergovernmental Agreement for Columbia River Channel Improvement Project Assistance, Unfinished Business, Port Contracts Log, Accounts Payable, Executive...
Port of Vancouver Board of Commissioners (12/13/11)
Open Forum, Resolution 13-2011: Prepayment of Claims, Resolution 19-2011: Surplus of Property, Grady/Britton Marketing/Advertising Contract Extension, HDR Engineering Annual Contract Extension, Unfinished Business, Port Contracts Log, Second Meeting in December, Accounts Payable, Executive Direct...