Southwest Washington Behavioral Health Governing Board
Southwest Washington Behavioral Health (SWBH) administers and coordinates public mental services in Clark, Cowlitz and Skamania Counties. Its Governing Board represents the single point of authority and responsibility for the business and affairs of SWBH. The board meets the first Thursday of each month.
More information about the SWBH Governing Board.
View all archived videos. Most recent below.
Available On Demand
Complete coverage of the June 8, 2023, SW Washington Regional Health Care Advisory Committee meeting.
Complete coverage of the June 10, 2021, SW Washington Regional Health Care Advisory Committee meeting.
Complete coverage of the March 3, 2016, SW Washington Behavioral Health Board meeting.
Coverage of the February 22, 2016, SW Washington Early Adopter Launch Conference session discussing health plan details and unique innovation projects.
Complete coverage of the February 22, 2016, SW Washington Early Adopter Launch Conference opening session.
Complete coverage of the February 22, 2016, SW Washington Early Adopter Launch Conference session discussing plan details and unique innovation projects.
Complete coverage of the February 22, 2016, SW Washington Early Adopter Launch Conference session discussing what the region's new Behavioral Health Administrative Service Organization will manage and the providers that will provide direct crisis services.
Complete coverage of the February 22, 2016, SW Washington Early Adopter Launch Conference session discussing the Early Warning System and how it will provide reporting for evaluation and accountability.
Complete coverage of the January 7, 2016, SW Washington Behavioral Health Board meeting.